Co Cave, Halong

Co Cave is located about 19km far from Tuan Chau Whaft. The cave belongs to Co Island which is 40m high from sea level.

Hang Cỏ Hạ Long

It is a small cave with low ceiling and tight passage. The cave was covered with flourish green foliage.

When you visit Co Cave, you will definitely be enraptured by Halong lush turquoise water beating on hundreds of rock islands in various sizes and shapes. More than anything, this place bring you the feeling of familiar, of coming back to nature, to where we are all from. It feels good to bury your hands in the golden sand and let every grain of sand brushing against your skin.

You can also hit the water on kayak. Exploring the magically charming cave, then in your swim shorts, barefooted, wild-haired, singing, jumping, running on the beach – that’s the way to live!

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